Reading Notes: Jataka, Part B

Hi everyone!
The King of the Banyan Deer sent for the King of the Monkey Deer from The Banyan Deer

I really liked a lot of the stories from Jataka part B. 

Here are a few sentences I admired: 

  • "THERE was once a Deer the color of gold. His eyes were like round jewels, his horns were white as silver, his mouth was red like a flower, his hoofs were bright and hard. He had a large body and a fine tail." From the The Banyan Deer
  • Rise up. I grant your life and hers." From the The Banyan Deer
  • "Look at him now while you are all crying that you want him for your king. See how sour he looks right now. If that's the cross look he wears when he is happy, how will he look when he is angry? I, for one, want no such sour-looking king!"" From Why the Owl Is Not King of the Birds
The stories all had great meaning behind them. My personal favorite way the Girly-face Elephant. That story stood out because it drew attention to how big of an impact other people have on us figuratively. When someone speaks confidently over a matter you may not be confident over, it is influential. It is really easy to see this in politics on social media. People may tell you so and so is bad or good and if you do not do research and find unbiased research you will be swayed. 

Another story I loved was The Ox Who Never Envied the Pig. I think the story was short and to the point. If I retell a story from this part, this may be a great one to retell. I am not the best at creating short stories so this may be a challenge! 

Bibliography:  Jataka Tales, Part B by Ellen C. Babbitt [link here]


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