Extra Credit Reading Notes Mahabharata Episodes Part C

Screenshot of Bhim Killing Bakasur from Epified

So..... I am super invested in this story now!

It is making so much sense. My favorite think about these stories are the style the are written in. It is a quick paced third person style. The plot is the same as before, but some details are missing. One detail I noticed was when the house that the Pandavas are staying in burns they leave and that is it. In the original story (I could be wrong) I believe they got other people to take there place so that there would be bones left. I could have misread that, but that is what I understood.

Even with a lack of detail, this is a valuable story telling strategy and I am grateful for these videos! Lots of details are included though. The images also give detail of setting and appearance that were not present before.

One story I thought was magical was that of Bhim Killing Bakasur. I think this story, along with Bhim carrying his family though the forest, depicts his strength well. It would be fun to have a story of Bhim running a strength competition or a reality strength show! He is a very unique character and it would be awesome to see what he thinks about and cares about!

Bibliography: Mahabharata Episodes Part C: created by Epified. Link here


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