Reading Notes: Krishna Part A

Hi guys!

Putana and Krishna from Epified 

I think that this is a super awesome story! I love listening to it from this perspective. I think that the first part of the story was my favorite. Could you imagine your brother killing your children?

If I retold a part of this story I would chose the story of Putana. This part of the story seems to have endless possibilities to me.

What if Putana took a different form?

What if Putana was filled with love and goodness?

What if this story took place with animals instead of people?

I think there are tons of ways to turn this story and develop it into something totally different.

If I retold this story, I would not want to use the same characters. Maybe I could use other story inspiration too.

Overall, I loved this story and I am excited to keep watching it.

Bibliography: Krishna Part A, from Epified on Youtube


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