Extra Credit Reading Notes: Mahabharata Episodes Part D

Arjun and Subhadra, screenshot from Epified
Hey there!

What I enjoyed about part D was the emphasis on Arjun's journey.

I never understood why Arjun was excited and I had no idea it was his choice. I must have gotten lost in the reading. This video cleared up the exile of Arjun and why he did what he did. I personally do not think he should have left, but he felt as though he had to. I wonder if anything could have been done to make him stay?

I think his journey is quite fascinating as well. He is definitely a bachelor haha. I also wonder what would have happened if Dropadi went to look for him. Even though Arjun is being exiled, it does not seem to be treating him too bad.

I would love to see what happens next. I will be continuing to watch these videos for sure. As for story ideas, I love the story of Subhadra and Arjun. I find it interesting that her dad is very supportive of her abduction ( I think it is her dad at least, if not, I find it interesting anyone supports her abduction). She does love Arjun, but I find that whole situation a little weird haha. I wonder what would have happened if she would have refused her planned marriage and made the call to marry Arjun herself.

Bibliography: Mahabharata Youtube Video Episodes, Part D, created by Epified


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