Feedback Strategies

Hi there!

Today I had the opportunity to read a bit about how to improve giving feedback. I selected two articles that I thought really related to my weaknesses in giving feedback. After reading both, I realized how beneficial both articles were. I highly suggest reading both if you have the time! The two articles are:

The Trouble with Amazing (link here)

How to Provide Great Feedback When You're Not in Charge (link here)

Feedback is a Relationship, from Laura Gibbs

The Trouble with Amazing emphasized how calling someone amazing or phenomenal does not motivate them. This is something I never had thought of. What I loved about this article was how it taught the reader to give meaningful feedback. Feedback that impacts the success of the receiver. There are a few points that really stuck out to me,

  • Be specific. If you think someone's essay is good, tell them the specifics of what made it good. If you are grateful for your partner, tell them what about them makes you grateful. 
  • Praise the effort a person made, not the person. This is the change that can impact the success of the receiver. Feedback should push people in the right direction, not be a finish line. Abilities are not set in stone. 
  • Don't be a waste of time for the receiver. Be purposeful and meaningful. 
I was super excited to read How to Provide Great Feedback When You're Not in Charge. I have always struggled with speaking up when not in charge, but when I am.....I lead my very hardest. I want people to succeed and do well, but I also do not want to overstep boundaries and insult someone. Here are my key take aways:
  • Express appreciation and honestly. Even if someone did not do the best, appreciate their work ethic, but don't tell them they did a great job.
  • Be specific on the advice to the skill, not the person. 
  • Use "we". "Lets find a better solution together"
  • Focus on both what is done well and what needs to be improved
  • Evaluate only when needed.
  • Let them give you feedback first (take the first fall) 


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