Growth Mindset: Don't Worry, Be Happy :)

(Wise Words From Kids, by GIPHY)

Hi Everyone!

This semester I have been determined to really take every opportunity I can to grow in this class. Some of the most beneficial (for me at least) opportunities exist in the extra credit. 

One of my favorite extra credit opportunities is growth mindset!

I feel like I can learn so dang much it is insane. 

Today I read How To Get Over Your Fear In New Situations. The link is here

Here is a little tiny back story.....I am a huge scaredy cat. All of my life I have worried and stressed. I am on a journey to resist the urge to be a worry wort. Sure, it is good to worry a little, that is human nature (and the reason we are alive)......but I want to have control over fear and worry. Wether I am performing as a dancer, a student, an employee, or a friend.......I want to be primed to learn and have fun....NOT stress.

So I will break down a few awesome points of this article, but I honestly want to use this time/post to plan how I want to accomplish getting over my fear in new situations. 

Here are my favorite quotes:

  • We strive to be the person we think others want us to be, instead of just being ourselves.
  • Schools are ostensibly institutions of learning, but we tend to graduate from them predisposed to worry about performing first, learning second.
  • If you’re focused on learning from others, not competing with them, you’ll simply have fewer mental resources to devote to worrying about how you’re doing.
  • Approaching new people as those you can learn from causes you to ask questions and listen more intently, which shows deference, respect, and humility. 
Now here is my plan! 

Once a week, then once every couple days, to whenever I can.....follow these steps:

  • Write what you want to learn from the situation before hand.
    •  i.e. connect on a personal level with 4 people. Learn resilience. Learn to fight the urge of stopping when I make a mistake. 
  • Write about it after. Use this time to dig deeper and ask questions. Prepare for that second time/impression. Make sure to review before the second time. 
  •  Evaluate how you are doing and adjust as needed. If you aren't learning from someone, move on, expand your circle. Try something new. 
  • HAVE FUN (this one I really need to learn to embrace but I will do it!)


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