Growth Mindset: Confident Cats
Who is ready for some cute cats teaching us cool cat things :)

I selected this cat because for one it is a cute picture and secondly it has a great meaning. This semester I really want to challenge myself mentally. Not academically, but emotionally and I want to challenge my mindset. This semester I will be facing myself into a lot of change and I need to be fearless. Just gotta get comfortable with being uncomfortable!

I saw this caption in the cat index and was instantly hooked. Then I saw this cat and couldn't help but love it! I think confidence is something we all struggle with. Some may have less struggles with it, some may struggle daily. This is a good reminder and a very grounding quote. If I ever feel a lack of confidence I can just ask myself: do I fear being wrong? The answer? Definitely not. Being wrong is a chance to learn. So why drop my confidence when I have no reason to.

Source: Let the stress energize you
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