Growth Mindset: Confident Cats


Who is ready for some cute cats teaching us cool cat things :)

cat with fur blowing in wind

I selected this cat because for one it is a cute picture and secondly it has a great meaning. This semester I really want to challenge myself mentally. Not academically, but emotionally and I want to challenge my mindset. This semester I will be facing myself into a lot of change and I need to be fearless. Just gotta get comfortable with being uncomfortable!

I saw this caption in the cat index and was instantly hooked. Then I saw this cat and couldn't help but love it! I think confidence is something we all struggle with. Some may have less struggles with it, some may struggle daily. This is a good reminder and a very grounding quote. If I ever feel a lack of confidence I can just ask myself: do I fear being wrong? The answer? Definitely not. Being wrong is a chance to learn. So why drop my confidence when I have no reason to. 

As a very stressed person......I was definitely intrigued by this growth mindset cat. Then I clicked on it and saw that huge black quote from Kelly McGonigal. I am so glad I did this assignment because of this quote. I have never ever thought of stress that way. To approach stress and a positive opportunity is genius. I can semi control my stress, but it impacts my physical body far greater than my ability to work. If anyone reads this and has any suggestions for that pretty please let me know. I will try this mindset switch though. 


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